Tax Slayer vs Free Tax USA

I’m torn between the two options.

I’ve used Tax Slayer before, but this year, with my new full-time job and various benefits (401K, ESPP, HSA/HDHP), I’m unsure if I should stick with Tax Slayer or switch to another service like Free Tax USA. My income is expected to increase, which complicates my decision. Additionally, this will be my first time filing taxes for a ‘real’ job, having previously dealt with minor work study jobs and unemployment during the Covid-19 pandemic. Needless to say, this tax season feels overwhelming.

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I cannot speak on TaxSlayer, but FreeTaxUSA is fantastic. Federal returns are free, and state returns are $15. Information is carried over from year to year.

Hallo anne,check out the difference the optimal decision relies on your individual tax circumstances and support requirements. Both TaxSlayer and FreeTaxUSA provide trial periods, allowing you to test their services before making a decision.,