Why can’t my parents let me claim myself …

When did you graduate from high school?

Mal said:
When did you graduate from high school?

I got my GED in 2022. Now, I work a full-time salary position.

Leith said:

Mal said:
When did you graduate from high school?

I got my GED in 2022. Now, I work a full-time salary position.

Then no one can legitimately claim you as a dependent since your income is too high. It may not change your federal taxes, but it could impact state taxes.

Edit: Forget what I just said. My mistake.

Not really. You’re under 19 and might still qualify as a child.

Kai said:
Not really. You’re under 19 and might still qualify as a child.

Oops! You’re right. Now it just depends on support.

If you…