Which is preferable, filing taxes yourself or having someone else do it?

Hi guys,

I’m 19 and didn’t do my taxes by myself last year. My parents hired a professional to do it for me, saying it’s better because you might get a larger return. My return last year was about $300, but they said it was because I didn’t work much. This year, my parents said I could file myself since I have a simple return. Is there a big difference between filing yourself and hiring someone? Also, does it have to be a CPA? My Financial Literacy professor advised always hiring a CPA for taxes instead of going to places like H&R Block or Liberty Tax, as they might employ people who aren’t as knowledgeable about taxes.

For simple taxes, doing it yourself with tax software is cheap and easy. If things are more complicated or you want peace of mind, hiring a pro is worth it. CPAs are the best for complex stuff, but places like H&R Block are fine for straightforward returns. It depends on your comfort and budget.