TurboTax was free before… now it’s $110

How did TurboTax go from being free last year to charging $110 now, even though nothing changed? I did it all myself, no extra help. Is it too late to switch to something else, or do I just take the hit and move on next year? This setup is so frustrating.

Freetaxusa is way cheaper.

Zora said:
Freetaxusa is way cheaper.

Thinking of using it this year. My wife and I normally go with HR, just standard deductions with W2, 1099 INT, and 1098 T. But last year I was laid off for a bit, so I have a 1099 G too. Would FreeTaxUSA still work for me?

Yeah, it’ll work fine.

FTU works pretty much like TurboTax. If you’re just dealing with W2s, 1099s, and a 1098, you’ll be good.

Zora said:
Freetaxusa is way cheaper.

Depends on whether they support all the forms you need. They don’t always.

TurboTax isn’t part of the IRS Free File program anymore. Try TaxSlayer, Tax Act, or FreeTaxUSA.

Hollis said:
TurboTax isn’t part of the IRS Free File program anymore. Try TaxSlayer, Tax Act, or FreeTaxUSA.

Used TaxSlayer before, had a good experience.

Hollis said:
TurboTax isn’t part of the IRS Free File program anymore. Try TaxSlayer, Tax Act, or FreeTaxUSA.

I filed mine with TurboTax for free.

Tavis said:

Hollis said:
TurboTax isn’t part of the IRS Free File program anymore. Try TaxSlayer, Tax Act, or FreeTaxUSA.

I filed mine with TurboTax for free.

So should I stick with TurboTax or switch? Used it last year and didn’t pay anything.

If you can still get the free version, go for it. Otherwise, try the other free options mentioned above.

Corey said:
If you can still get the free version, go for it. Otherwise, try the other free options mentioned above.

Thanks, I only have W2s, no property or anything. That should still be free, right?

FreeTaxUSA is the way to go. TurboTax can get lost.

Caden said:
FreeTaxUSA is the way to go. TurboTax can get lost.

Same goes for all Intuit products. They’re just in the business of data mining.

If you have a United Way in your area and your income is below a certain limit, you might qualify for free filing through TaxSlayer. Otherwise, FreeTaxUSA is free for federal and $14.95 for state.

If you haven’t paid yet, you can still switch. FreeTaxUSA and CashApp Taxes are both solid choices.

I’m done with TurboTax. FreeTaxUSA is way better. Got my refund in a week.

Vance said:
I’m done with TurboTax. FreeTaxUSA is way better. Got my refund in a week.

You mean you got your refund in a week, you filed your return.

Vance said:
I’m done with TurboTax. FreeTaxUSA is way better. Got my refund in a week.

If you filed this early, you must not have any investments.

Use FreeTaxUSA. I paid TurboTax, but my friend did his on FreeTaxUSA, even with a 1099, and it was free and easier.