Here’s the situation … back in 2003 my mom was around 18 … she met my dad who didn’t have any legal papers … he asked her to use her social security number for his construction business … he didn’t pay taxes for that business … we moved to Mexico in 2007 and my parents split up … we came back to the US in 2009 and my dad stayed in Mexico … since then the IRS takes part of my mom’s paycheck from any job she gets … she’s had to work under the table to make ends meet … her recent job shut down and now she’s doing food delivery and cleaning houses … we get a disability check for my little brother but it’s not enough if I move out … she needs a steady job where she can bring my brother with her … but with the IRS problem I don’t know how to help … any advice would mean a lot
Your mom didn’t pay taxes back then and now there’s a penalty for that … she’s in a tough spot … the best way out is to find ways to increase her income … look into an Offer in Compromise … it’s a deal where the IRS might accept less than what’s owed … if she has low income and no assets she might qualify
Someone mentioned she could claim identity fraud since my dad used her social security number … do you think that could work
Crosby said:
Someone mentioned she could claim identity fraud since my dad used her social security number … do you think that could work
But that wouldn’t be true … she agreed to let him use it so she was part of it
What exactly are you asking for advice on … it’s not clear
There’s not enough info here … usually the IRS only collects for 10 years … she should check her account on and get her tax transcripts to see how much she owes … if she can’t figure it out she can contact the Taxpayer Advocate … the info is on the IRS website
She can file for currently not collectible … that stops the IRS from collecting for a year … then use the OIC pre-qualifier tool to see how much the IRS might settle for … if the amount works for her she can file for an Offer in Compromise through her IRS account
But you need money to pay the settlement … start saving if you can … I know it’s hard but just know an Offer in Compromise requires some money to pay the agreed amount
Amory said:
But you need money to pay the settlement … start saving if you can … I know it’s hard but just know an Offer in Compromise requires some money to pay the agreed amount
You need money to pay the tax debt either way … the point of an OIC is to settle for less … if she’s really struggling she might settle for $0 … but most OIC’s get rejected because people don’t use the pre-qualifier tool first … here’s the link Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier
Even without the IRS issue … how is she supposed to find a job where she can bring her kid … that’s tough
Has she talked to the IRS or is she just avoiding them … she needs to call them or hire an EA to help
Zee said:
Has she talked to the IRS or is she just avoiding them … she needs to call them or hire an EA to help
She’s talked to them before but I don’t know the details … calling them or getting an EA sounds like the best move