Is chaturbate cheating?

I just noticed that my boyfriend’s search queries included women’s names and the phrase “on chaturbate.” Is this your typical porn? Or is this interactive, in which case, should I worry? Is that regarded as dishonesty? I realize that guys like to watch Pony, but is this really the next big thing in cheating, or something even worse?


Cheating, in my opinion, is any sexual activity or effort to have sex with another person outside of your partnership. I include any “interactive” porn, such as cam girls, sexting, etc.

You can set your own boundaries in a relationship. I don’t debate with others about what cheating is. If you’re seeking for loopholes, you’re not the right fit for me.

There are plenty of people out there to have sex with, and I don’t discourage anyone from doing so. You are free to jerk off with someone else. You can no longer fuck me, though. Do not fight or debate monogamy with others. People will do whatever they want, regardless.


Every relationship has different rules and boundaries. What is considered cheating in one relationship might be acceptable in another. It is essential to discuss and agree on these boundaries with your partner. Whether using Chaturbate or similar platforms constitutes cheating depends on the boundaries and agreements within your relationship.

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Hello guys! i think that charturbate is also a kind form of cheating.

Hallo anne,
If you’re worried about your partner’s use of Chaturbate, the best approach is to have an open and honest conversation with them. Share your concerns openly and try to understand their perspective as well.

Chaturbate allows individuals to livestream performances, often sexual, to viewers. Watching these streams without your partner’s consent, especially if it breaches trust or relationship agreements, may be seen as cheating

Hello, Anne. You get to decide what is and isn’t appropriate in your relationship. I don’t find chaturbate intriguing, and I wouldn’t use it even if I was single.