Filing taxes on my own for the first time… is FreeTaxUSA good

Hey everyone,

This is my first time doing my own taxes, and I want to do it without my parents this year. I’ve heard FreeTaxUSA is good, but I have no idea what to expect.

I only have a W2 and a 1098-T. Can someone explain how the process works and if it’s the right choice for me?

Appreciate any advice!

It’s pretty simple… the site guides you through everything.

Hayes said:
It’s pretty simple… the site guides you through everything.

Yeah, especially since you don’t have anything complicated to file. It should be quick.

Quick tip—don’t go directly to FreeTaxUSA. Use the IRS Free File website to access it. That way, you won’t have to pay for your state return.

It should be pretty easy with FreeTaxUSA.

  1. Are your parents still claiming you as a dependent? If they are, make sure you check the box that says someone else can claim you.

  2. If you got scholarships, check if any of it is taxable. If your parents are using the American Opportunity Credit, you might have to report some of your scholarship money as taxable income. This can actually save money overall.

I’m filing as independent, so they don’t claim me anymore.

I just used it and had no issues. Super easy.

You can also check out the IRS Free File options here:

It’s one of the cheapest options out there. I used to go with TurboTax, but they started charging crazy fees. Last year, they wanted almost $300 from me. FreeTaxUSA cost me around $15 for state filing, and federal was free. If you want to save even more, just pay the state fee upfront instead of using your refund to cover it.

I hope you got a good refund.

I’m filing on my own for the second time and used TurboTax this year (FreeTaxUSA is good too). It was simple and cost me around $38 for both federal and state. Since your taxes aren’t complicated, it should be a smooth process.

  1. Have your tax documents and Social Security number ready.

  2. The software will ask questions and guide you through everything.

  3. Review everything, e-file, and you’re done.

That’s really helpful! Thanks!

FreeTaxUSA is one of the best options for simple returns.

If you only have a W-2 and a 1098-T, TurboTax might be easier. FreeTaxUSA is good, but it doesn’t guide you as much as TurboTax does.

If you want extra help, look into free tax prep from the AARP Tax-Aide Foundation. They have IRS-certified volunteers who walk you through the process so you can learn to do it yourself next time.

Find a location here:

FreeTaxUSA has been great for me. I used to use H&R Block, and every time I needed an extra form, they’d hit me with another $30 fee. Then another $40. FreeTaxUSA doesn’t pull that nonsense. They just charge for state filing, and that’s it.

FreeTaxUSA tells you upfront what’s free and what isn’t. Other places like TurboTax let you start for free, then halfway through, they tell you your return is too complex and charge you extra. I had a W-2 and a 1099-NEC and only had to pay for state filing. Everything else was actually free.

I’ve used FreeTaxUSA for 8 years now. If your taxes aren’t complicated, it’s a great choice.

FreeTaxUSA is good, but I’d recommend finding a local tax person—someone in finance who does taxes on the side. I save a ton of money that way and usually get a bigger refund.

If you’re taking the standard deduction ($14,600 for single filers), FreeTaxUSA is a solid choice. No need to overpay for TurboTax. You just upload your documents, and it fills in everything for you.