Council tax going up for policing... worth it

so cambridgeshire’s police and crime commissioner wants to raise the part of council tax that funds policing by 4.9%. it would add about 27p per week for band d households, or £13.95 a year. the money would go towards expanding police capabilities, but some people aren’t happy about another tax increase. a survey showed 67% support it, while 16% are against. is this a fair price for better policing, or just another way to take more money?

wait, how much extra money will this actually bring in?

Sterling said:
wait, how much extra money will this actually bring in?

they estimate around £92.6m. the force also found £5.54m in savings for next year.

Madison said:

Sterling said:
wait, how much extra money will this actually bring in?

they estimate around £92.6m. the force also found £5.54m in savings for next year.

so even with the tax increase, they still had to cut costs?

i saw the survey results. 67% in favor isn’t bad, but that’s only from 865 people. doesn’t seem like a huge sample.

Avery said:
i saw the survey results. 67% in favor isn’t bad, but that’s only from 865 people. doesn’t seem like a huge sample.

yeah, kinda small for a county-wide decision. but still, more support than opposition.

i wonder if the 16% who said no just don’t want any tax increases at all, no matter what it’s for.

what exactly does ‘expand capabilities’ mean? like hiring more officers or better equipment?

Voss said:
what exactly does ‘expand capabilities’ mean? like hiring more officers or better equipment?

the report didn’t give details, just said they’ve made ‘huge strides’ in improving crime prevention, solving cases, and investigations. so probably a mix of things.

sounds kinda vague. would be nice to know exactly where the money’s going.

cambridgeshire police is the fourth-lowest funded force in the country? didn’t know that.

Riley said:
cambridgeshire police is the fourth-lowest funded force in the country? didn’t know that.

yep, that was in the report. probably why they’re pushing for the extra funding.

makes sense, but at the same time, people are already dealing with rising costs everywhere else.

the pcc said he’s ‘reluctantly’ proposing this. is that just politician talk?

Larkin said:
the pcc said he’s ‘reluctantly’ proposing this. is that just politician talk?

lol probably. but i guess it’s his way of saying he knows people won’t love another tax increase.

at least he’s acknowledging it. some officials wouldn’t even pretend to care.