Been trying to figure this out. Can I order 1096 forms for free from the IRS or do we have to keep buying stacks from Office Depot or Staples? Can’t find a clear answer anywhere.
If you don’t want to deal with the forms, you can e-file them online for a small fee at No need for a 1096 if you e-file.
Just a heads up… they take forever to arrive.
Thanks so much for the help, everyone! Really appreciate it.
Are they still using those old triplicate forms? No way I’m digging out the dot matrix printer for that.
Yep, you can call the IRS business line and ask for 1099 and 1096 forms. If you order them online, there’s a fee, but calling saves about $10. Just be ready to wait on hold for a while.
Tell them you have an EIN but no account issue, and ask them to mail the blank forms.
+1 800-829-0115
You can order them from the IRS site. Just know that you’ll need to either handwrite or use a typewriter because they don’t work well with regular printers. It’s that thin duplicate paper.
Tilden said:
You can download all the forms from
Yeah, but I don’t think you can file with those downloads since they aren’t formatted right for scanning. I’d suggest using a paid service—most charge just a few bucks per form and handle both filing and mailing.
You’re right. Some local places do it too. The office I worked at charged $60 for up to five 1099s plus the 1096.