Are clothing donations to charity tax-deductible if you don't have a receipt?

I gave away more than $1000 worth of clothing from a charity clothing bin at my local supermarket; I certainly don’t have any receipts for this donation. Is it possible to deduct this from my taxes?


A few enquiries.

Are you in the United States?

Are deductions already itemized for you?

Did you wear these clothes yourself? Is the $1k worth of anything new or used for them?


Indeed, New York. Yes, I list them item by item. The clothes were not worn too often, although they were used but in decent condition.


Was the price $1K when they were brand new?


Receipts are usually downloadable from the websites of the nonprofit organizations that operate thrift stores. Assigning a value to each item on the list is necessary because the organization is unable to value your donation. To help with valuation, you may also use online value estimators for thrift stores; however, the original cost cannot be subtracted.

Check with your state because some permit a deduction for charitable contributions that were not accessible for federal purposes, even if you are unable to itemize deductions on your federal form.


A list of the goods you contributed, along with the charity’s name, address, and EIN, is required. Fair market value is subtracted instead of the purchase price. A published list of many things’ “thrift store value” is available.

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Go to their website laterally and print it out. Most people reduce the whole cost of the garments, say $1000, by three to get the “thrift value,” which is the amount you would contribute. About.